4 Hacks to Maximise Space in a Small Home
Issue: Mar 2019
In Singapore, space constraints are something most of us face in our homes. Hence, it's important to make full use of every single square meter available. Here are some tips to help you comfortably settle into a small living space with limited storage space without feeling too claustrophobic.
Interior design to create space
One cost effective way to make your house feel bigger is by implementing small “optical illusions” throughout your flat. For example, using a neutral colour like beige to paint your walls will trick the eye into thinking that the room is more spacious than it actually is. This is because the colour will reflect light, causing the walls to visually recede. Another way to achieve this effect is through mirrors. By having decorative mirrors in your living room, the space will seem larger and airier.
Clean up and de-clutter
Do you want your house to be more spacious? Take the first step by going through your belongings and throwing out the things you don’t need. This will help to reduce the amount of unnecessary items hogging up precious space. Next, sort what’s remaining into different categories to make it easier to keep track of what you already have, ensuring that you do not re-purchase any items. Though it may be tiring, this method will definitely reduce the amount of clutter in your house.
Furniture that doubles up
Consider purchasing multi-function furniture instead. Examples of this are sofas that can be converted into beds as well as seats that can be converted into storage boxes. This will help you reduce the total amount of furniture in the house, freeing up a lot of space. You can also opt for furnishings that are specifically made to be space efficient, such as pull-out and double decker beds.
Get extra space with self storage
Last but not the least, you can get storage space with StorHub. Skip going through all your belonging and avoid spending on expensive multi-function furniture. Think of it as having a whole extra room to store items not required in the house. This will enable you to have more storage space in your actual house to keep the things that are needed for your day-to-day. Your photo albums, childhood books and old holiday cards can all go into these storage units so that they won't clutter up the house.
Want to find out more? Get an instant quote at www.storhub.com.sg or simply call 6337 2000 and we will be glad to advise you on the best option that fits your needs. Don’t worry about the location being too far, there are 13 facilities located island-wide, and accessible 24/7, your items will be kept safety away from home.