An Easy Move to a New Home
Issue: Apr 2023
Getting a new home is exciting, but making the big move can be a daunting prospect. After all, it’s not an easy task to pack your entire life into boxes! This is when some proper planning and home organisation tips can help you skip all the moving day chaos.
1. Get a head start
Don’t leave things to the last minute, or you’ll find yourself scrambling to pack. Start at least a month or two before the big day by cataloguing your belongings. Creating an itemised list of all your belongings may be tedious at first but once it’s done, it’ll make life a lot easier both in terms of packing and unpacking!
2. Take the chance to purge
The process of creating your master inventory list is a great opportunity to review your belongings. Most people will discover things that they don’t use anymore, or things that don’t fit in their new abode (whether in terms of size or design). Consider finding a new home for these items! You can sell, give away or throw away certain items but if you can’t let go of those items you have grown emotionally attached to, self storage is a wonderful option.
Self storage is also perfect for bulky and infrequently used items. If your Christmas tree only makes an appearance in December and your mah-jong table only sees action during Chinese New Year, why clutter your new home?
With StorHub Self Storage facilities, you can keep your items safely, retrieve them anytime with 24-hour access and it’s affordable! There are flexible storage options for every need, so you can enjoy the best of both worlds — holding on to your memories without cluttering your new home.
3. Plan and prioritise your move
Part of the reason why moving day is such an overwhelming experience is because people tend to pack, move and unpack all at one go. When there are stacks of boxes in every nook and cranny of your new home, it’s hard to move around — let alone get organised! Instead, consider prioritising your belongings. This is where your inventory list can save the day. Before you start packing, categorise your belongings into daily essentials (which you’ll need immediately after the move, like a week’s worth of clothes) and non-essentials (such as books, decorative items and photo frames).
Stash the non-essentials in a self storage space to keep them safe but out of the way while only taking furniture and daily essentials with you to your new home. Once those are in place, you can start bringing home the non-essentials, several boxes at a time, to gradually fill your home. It helps that StorHub Self Storage has 18 convenient locations across Singapore so you can choose the one closest to home!
Learn about StorHub’s many self storage solutions, pick up a few essential tips on making the most of your self storage unit and you’ll have everything you need to make the home-moving process a breeze!