Chinese New Year Self Storage Decluttering
Issue: Jan 2020
2020. The year of the Rat. It’s another brilliant year in Chinese New Year history, and with a new year and a new decade, you’ve likely made yourself some promises on getting a bit more organised. At StorHub, we’d love to help you out with that, especially if you plan on tackling your self storage unit and maybe even putting some Marie Kondo storage tactics in action.
So, as we break into this glorious decade, check out some of our best storage ideas for clutter and get organised this year.
Toss or Donate What Doesn’t Bring Joy
In the year of the Rat, we can all promise ourselves that we’ll make peace with our inner packrat and toss or donate what we no longer need. One of Marie Kondo’s storage ideas for clutter is to maximize your own (self storage) space and pull out the items causing the clutter. From there, you can organise the excess items into groups, allowing for junk, keep and donate piles for maximum organisation.
Trick your inner packrat the way it tricked the ox by distracting it with the promises of a cleaner future. Try being more stingy with your space in 2020 finally getting rid of the junk boxes you happen to be storing, and don’t be afraid to go through the boxes again to toss any junk you may have thought to donate before.
Declutter, Consolidate and Reorganise
This year, make 2020 work for you. Embrace your inner desire to organise and put those storage ideas for clutter into action.
After you sift through your toss pile, then it’s time to make your StorHub Self Storage unit work for you. You can start by categorising your keep pile into groups based on their purpose. For example, keep your winter clothings and gears in one section, and your festive decorations in another.
During this process, it’s important to be mindful as you categorise and store. Try thinking about how you use the item, what you use it for and how you use it to determine its place, location, and importance among other belongings in your self storage unit.
When all is done and dusted, your inner rat will shine as you realise how much space, time and anxiety you’re saving with a Marie Kondo approved self storage unit.
Obtain New Containers After You Know What You Need
Once you’ve made peace and thanked your donation/toss items for the joy they’ve brought you, it’s time to consider what you may now need for your self storage unit. StorHub strongly recommends using your stingy side to rationalise the need for new storage bins, shelves, and storage cabinets rather than avoid reusing torn and broken boxes for your items.
It’s best to begin this process only after you’ve tossed and organised your things. Often, too many forget or have a faulty idea of how many bins they require when it comes to decluttering. When you’ve already put in the time, you’re well aware of the consolidation supplies you need to take your decluttering to the next level.
This year, all of us at StorHub Singapore wish you a prosperous year full of decluttering and fortune. Be sure to stay in tune to your inner rat and push aside that pesky packrat that rationalises against organising all too well. At the end of the year, we promise you’ll not only be impressed with your decluttering skills, but you’ll also be glad you took the time to reorganise. For more tips, be sure to check out our blog online today!